Monday, November 14, 2005

"Rome" Rocks

We have been watching the HBO series "Rome" this fall. The first couple episodes seemed to show a lot of sex - between prostitutes and with Marc Antony and Caesar. After that settled down, it's been quite a compelling show. The main characters (besides Caesar and Antony) are Verenus and Pullo. They are soldiers in the 13th legion in Ceasar's army. Eric hit the nail on the head when he said they were like the Forrest Gumps of 2000 years ago. They seem to be everywhere something important happens. One important event is that they are sent to find Cleopatra, who has been kidnapped by her brother's supporters. While on their way back to Rome, Cleopatra says that she is fertile and it would be good if she could be pregnant by "Caesar's" child. So Pullo sleeps with her and the implication is that he is the father of "Caesar's" son.

I was going to give the entire plot, but that would take too long. The final episode is on Sunday night (11/20), so it would be hard to understand what is going on by just watching that episode. But if you have HBO and On Demand, you can go back to the beginning and watch the entire season. I wouldn't recommend watching them straight through in one sitting; they are pretty intense. But you could catch up by Sunday night. I also assume HBO will replay them during the next few months. It is definitely worth watching. Entertaining and educational...what more could you want?

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