Wednesday, November 16, 2005

CMA Awards

So if someone had told me 10 years ago that I would willingly watch the Country Music Association Awards - and like it - I would have said they were crazy. But I watched them last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Country music is the only genre (besides Christian) that will talk about faith, God, doing what's right, and serving your country. Stuff I hear on the rock stations is all "Me, me, me" and sex all the time. Maybe it's out there, and I just don't know it, but it feels like country music has a positive message and is musically interesting. A

nd yes, I do know that not all country is happy and positive - "Tequila Makes her Clothes Fall Off" isn't exactly a moral message...

Oh, yeah, Keith Urban is a hottie...and yes, Eric knows that I think that...

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