Tuesday, March 14, 2006

World Trade Center & Lessons

Initially this post was included in the previous one (Springtime in New York). But I felt like it detracted from the fun spirit of that post. So I decided it should stand alone.

It was really moving to go to the World Trade Center site. I was on top of that building in May 2001 and have several pictures of the towers and the sites from the top. Now it's just one big hole in the ground. There are signs on the fences describing the process to build the towers and then how they came down. It was very tasteful and appropriate. And I was surprised at how clean the area was.

There were people from all over the world, remembering what happened that day. It brought tears to my eyes to think about those that lost their lives on that spot. And it also made me more resolute that we need to continue to fight terrorists in their countries, so they don't bring this destruction to our country again.

Remember right after it happened, how the media wouldn't show images of people jumping out of the buildings? Why not? So people don't get more upset about it? Why shouldn't we get upset - ticked off? After all, we were attacked - we shouldn't just stand by and let it happen again. And if, in going after those that did this, we liberate Iraq and allow them the ability to choose their own form of government, all the better. I believe we should help all those around the world (Middle East, Cuba, etc.) that are fighting for freedom to actually achieve it. I know we can't fight all battles at once, but we need to support as many people as possible develop into democratic nations.

I think one of the worst things we could do is to forget what happened and the feelings we had that day - anger, sadness, desire for justice. There is a reason we are in Iraq - and it isn't the oil. We are there because Saddam supported the terrorists and he would have continued to do so, with probably more devastating results. We know that he tortured and murdered his own people. What makes us think that he has any different plan for us? He would have done whatever he could to acquire and manufacture biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons in order to destroy us and those that support us.

So these are just my ramblings on a little bit of politics. I don't have a sophisticated view on it (nor am I an eloquent writer), but I know what I believe, and that is that we are living in the greatest country on earth. It may have its problems, but I'd rather live here than anywhere else on the planet.

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